<aside> 💡 This is a preview version for the E-commerce & Website Checklist. I would like to get your feedback .


Launch Date : 26 July 2022 | Version : 0.1

🔥What problem this checklist want to solve

Solopreneurs and website owners need a way

to understand and identify all the potential pitfalls on their websites & business in mulitiple areas (business foundation, analytic, email, UX and digital marketing)

so that they can prioritize the task and create a long-term plan for it.

🛠 More About Timothy

Hi, I'm Tim ... I'm a Digital Marketer, Photographer and Design Enthusiast.

I love to create different side project and see how it goes

This checklist is my third side project. My first side project is a neon light photography workshop started at Uni, the second one is an e-commerce shop.

I also have a personal blog sharing thoughts on topics like design, book reviews and business.


☕️ Buy me a coffee: buymeacoffee.com/timothychankt

Personal Website: timothychankt.com

Instagram: @timothychankt

Linkedin: linkedin.com/in/timothychankt

E-Commerce & Website Checklist